Was it mere chance you ended up looking at this piece, or perhaps something more? The magnetic appeal of the Destiny provides a solid argument for the existence of divine providence, arresting the eye with its classic geometry and cultured palette.
The Destiny features Shaker-style panels on the front and gables, channeling the thoughtful construction and reverence for simplicity that the Shaker sect was famous for. True to Shaker tradition, you won’t find any veneers or ornaments on the framed and panelled exterior. As with all of our pieces, the interior is made from solid boards of kiln-dried Spanish cedar wood and beveled at the edges of the door and cabinet to provide a secure seal. The Crown moulding contrasts the more gentle flaring on the base and suggests a hint of majesty, an allusion to the auspicious namesake of this superior cabinet.
Like all our humidors, the Destiny includes a built-in humidification system, offering precise temperature control. All wiring is thoughtfully concealed within the interior, ensuring the tasteful separation of the cabinet’s visual personality and advanced functionality. Five custom shelf styles are available to suit your preference.