
The Brand

It began with curiosity. The indelible silhouette of a gentleman smoking under a streetlight enraptured 15-year-old Sam Nafeh, drawing him to the prestige and pleasure of a quality cigar. A Montecristo No. 2 Torpedo: love at first puff. 

It grew into a passion: for cigar culture and tradition, for the integrity of the experience, and for the elevation of the lifestyle. Countless halcyon afternoons spent on the usual bench in Edwards Gardens, a coffee in one hand; a cigar in the other. 

Now, it’s transformed into a mission. Spurred on by an irresistible feeling of destiny, Sam has set out to raise the bar in the world of cigars: to create art where others see products; to insist on quality where others compromise in the name of mass production. 

Founded by Sam Nafeh in 2017, A Cigar Advocate Inc. is a premium lifestyle brand and purveyor of artisan goods. Based out of our workshop in Toronto, Canada, A Cigar Advocate Inc. specializes in ultra-high-end cabinet humidors, ashtrays, and smoking accessories.  Our cabinet humidors and cigar ashtrays are made-to-order from the highest quality materials and lavished with care and attention from our award-winning design team. 

We are proud to serve an elite and global clientele who share our values of innovation, sophistication, and craftsmanship. We are leaders in our industry, pushing the boundaries of woodworking as we strive to exceed the expectations of the distinguished cigar enthusiast.


Sam Nafeh - Owner, Visionary.

A Cigar Advocate is the global industry leader in building lavish, fully customizable Cigar Cabinet Humidors and Ashtrays. Our premium pieces are prized by clients around the world for their superb balance of functionality and beauty.

As a fabricator of truly high-end pieces, A Cigar Advocate rejects the growing industry reliance on production line assembly.  Our team of experienced artisans builds every Humidor and Ashtray from scratch in our Toronto, Ontario workshop, taking care to incorporate special features and a distinctive aesthetic. Unlike other manufacturers who mass produce items according to rigid specifications, A Cigar Advocate specializes in working with a wide variety of materials and techniques to realize a superior finished piece tailored to the client’s needs.

Our Cabinet Humidors are uniquely engineered with a wealth of innovative features, offering greater humidity and temperature control and easy access for modification and maintenance. Each Humidor is expertly designed and furnished to realize a singular goal: to cultivate the highest-quality cigars possible. Each of our Humidors feature a framed and panelled exterior, an interior crafted from solid boards of Spanish kiln-dried cedar wood, and bevelling along the interior edges to ensure a perfect seal when closed.

Our Cigar Ashtrays are sturdy, symmetrical, and striking, available in a variety of beautiful finishes. For the inlay, we are pleased to offer exceptional materials such as marble, granite, and porcelain. The incredible flexibility of our bespoke design process ensures that our Ashtrays will blend harmoniously into any living interior.

As both the global market leader in luxury humidors and a foremost online boutique serving all aspects of the Cigar lifestyle, A Cigar Advocate will continue to push the limits of technical excellence while staying true to the aesthetic artistry that has become our calling card.

We look forward to sharing our passion for the lifestyle with you.